The power of a tree - the power of nature.
““Everyone needs a place to retreat; a spot where the world goes quiet enough for the soul to speak” ”
This week I came across a blossom tree. A tree sparkling in the blue sky and shimmering with beautiful white blossom. I had to stop. I had to take a closer look. I was invited to explore and be curious and I was happy to take up the offer.
The sheer beauty of the blossom tree pulled me in. The intricate detail, the teeny tiny delicate flowers with their spindles of gold. The warming yellow contrast of the anther against the bright pink bud, the linen white petals and the bright blue sky sang a little tune to my heart and I was absorbed into the moment. The little details were magical.
This soulful moment is what memories are made of. This innate pull to connect with this beautiful tree reinforces my love for nature and will forever inspire each time I see a blossom tree blooming and dancing in the gentle breeze. These moments are worth savouring. They bring joy to the heart.
The loss of our innate connection with nature and ourselves.
For a child, they are naturally curious and will explore the soil, a puddle or a collection of sticks. There is an innate pull to nature, to explore, to learn and to be curious.
As adults, in our busy schedules we become overwhelmed, preoccupied and caught up in the race of life. We forget to slow down. We forget to take time out. We forget to connect with nature and we forget to connect to our true selves.
What are we racing for though? Surely a simpler way of living is more beneficial. Life is not a competition after all. Life is for living fully in the moment and embracing the beauty all around us. From the blossom tree, to the bird song, to the smile from a neighbour, to the hug of a loved one.
The most magical of memories is always the one where you have been fully present in the moment embracing life, switched off from the stresses and feeling at ease. This is us at our most natural - connected to our environment and connected to our true selves.
How can bring more of this in to our lives?
We can train our minds to look for these moments and consciously connect. Nature is a wonderful teacher. Nature guides us, offers opportunities to slow down and connect with the simplicity of the seasons and offers up moments of awe for us to appreciate and enjoy.
This is a skill that can be forever rewarding and so beneficial. It is a skill that can help our children in moments of anxiety, stress or overwhelm too.
Simply, look for the moments of beauty that catch your eye.
Step outside and open your eyes and ears and let yourself be drawn in to the moment. If you spot a flower blooming, a tree swaying in the wind or a piece of moss on the pavement, move closer and explore. Take a camera with you and capture what you see and feel. Choose to fully connect with all your senses and embrace your creativity too. There is no right or wrong, this is your moment.
Take 10 minutes every day or choose to consciously connect to your environment each day during a walk and you will feel the benefits.
How will this benefit you?
Connecting with nature is not only beneficial to your personal health and wellbeing by helping you to slow down, decrease blood pressure and live aligned with your true self but this connection with nature also offers your work life a boost too.
When we focus on these moments of awe, curiosity and wonder, we feel content, at ease and our mind clears offering a calmer approach to problem solving, the space to think clearly and a place to process our thoughts rationally. Spending time amongst nature boosts productivity, inspires creative thought processing and boosts those happy endorphins too. You will feel healthier and more at ease in your every day. You will value your time in nature.
It is also beneficial to others and for our planet. When we live and work in alignment with nature and ourselves, we are kinder, more compassionate, understanding and openminded too. We care for the world around us and strive to make a positive impact for people and planet.
Want to find out more about nature connection?
I work with you to open your heart, body and soul to the natural world around you. Through nature inspired photography experiences, I capture your moments of ease and moments of natural connection.
It is a wonderful experience to allow yourself the time to switch off and fully connect with yourself, nature and those around you. If you would like to explore this further and find out how a nature photography experience can help you in your life or business then get in touch.
I would love to explore this with you.
Claire Victoria is a photographer and writer inspired by nature and living in South Gloucestershire with her four young boys, husband and two dogs. Her mission is to inspire others to connect with nature and feel the benefits for their health and wellbeing. She works with families and businesses and celebrates all things natural, capturing beautiful, organic moments on camera. You can find out more here. or sign up to the weekly newsletter.