10 of my favourite photos from 2019 - why these photos and how did I pick them?
So here we are, it’s 2020! A new year, a new decade and there is so much more family fun to come.
Firstly though, I wanted to share with you 10 of my most favourite family moments from last year. So here they are, 10 photos from 2019. Enjoy!
During a family nature photo session, this little boy just wanted to pose and show off his “Hulk” muscles.
The superhero pose for a family photo
I couldn’t resist capturing this quick photo during his family session with mum, dad, little brother and little sister. All little boys love to show their muscles and pretend to be superheroes. I should know, I have four of them. This was taken half way through their photo session just after a family running race. Who do you think won ?
I love wellie boots and these little cute red wellies made me smile. I had to snap a quick photo during this family nature session at Kingsweston house.
Red wellie boots, a simple photo but with a story behind it of play, sunshine and fun.
This was just magic to me. I’m not sure why I love wellie boots so much but I do. It could be to do with the fact that I grew up on a farm and spent a lot of my childhood in my wellies splashing in puddles and squelching through mud. I have fond memories of my wellie boots and I know children always seem to grow quite attached to their wellies. I know my boys did.
I loved this photo as it captures the wellies, the shadow, the sunny day and the footprints which leads you to think of just how much fun this child just had.
This was too cute. These two lovely cousins had such an amazing loving relationship and this was a little moment they shared when they spotted a daffodil during their family nature session.
This photo is all about connection….
Another simple photo, that’s one of my specialities. This is all about the connection captured in the moment. It’s a moment of peace. A moment of curiosity. A moment of sharing. And perhaps a memory made between them……
Children love nature and these two cousins were so intrigued by the flower and the little details of it that it was a magical moment to capture. This is all about the connection with nature and the connection between them both. Being outside for children is a brilliant way to encourage them to explore and be curious. I simply capture the natural moments that occur.
I loved the enthusiasm of this family during a game of hide and seek during their family nature session. It was so much fun!
It’s all about the fun and games of hide and seek in this photo
This moment was captured during a family session in the woods in Bristol. It’s such a lovely way to get the whole family involved and the kids absolutely love the attention and fun of a game of hide and seek.
When this big sister was able to find mum and little brother behind a tree she was so excited. I wanted to capture the expressions of mum and little brother as they were found and I love big sisters enthusiasm. If you look really closely, you can even spot dad whose location is being slightly given away by the dog.
These are the real life moments of family life. You couldn’t stage this.
A very cheeky three year old greets me as a pirate during a newborn photo session in the home in Bristol.
Here we have little Miss Cheeky…. cheekiness makes a family photo.
This gorgeous photo I captured during a newborn session in the home. Baby brother was just 8 days old and it was an absolute pleasure to be welcomed into this families home. I’ve met big sister before and she was very happy to show me around her home.
As she ran off upstairs she decided to play a little trick on me. This is the sight I was greeted to when I went to find mum and baby. Such cheekiness. I love it. It’s so lovely to be able to capture this pure raw moment and her cheeky personality shines through.
It’s all about the dog. Dogs are family too and this doggy joined us on a nature family session in Bristol.
I can’t help but feature a dog in my favourite family photos
I can’t hide it, I love dogs and I am a dog person. I like cats too in-fact I love all animals but dogs are my favourite and they are always more than welcome on a family nature session.
I know how special dogs are to a family and I wanted to capture a special photo of their dog during this session. This one I love as it captures the whole experience of being in the woods and also features the family in the background.
I know this family regularly visit these woods and it’s a favourite place for them to explore and have fun as a family too. I love to capture the family in different ways and here I did just that.
This photo melts my heart. You can just see how much love there is between these two. Father and son during a family nature session.
Another simple one, how much love can there be in one photo…
I captured this little snippet of love during an outdoor photo session. These two were playing a little game, just the two of them and this was an intimate moment captured. It’s a really special photo and I am sure one which is treasured in their family home.
I just love how dainty this little newborn is. The hands are so tiny. These are special moments that are captured during a newborn photo session at home.
It is all about the details in this newborn photo
I love the light colours and simplicity of this photo. The details of the newborns dainty feet, tiny hands and the expression on his little face. A very peaceful content little baby that was an absolute blessing to photograph during this newborn session.
I took this photo to emphasise the size of baby’s tiny fingers in comparison to mum’s and I also wanted to feature mum’s wedding and engagement rings within the image as a personal little detail for mum and dad too. It’s a beautiful image and now features in their family home.
This face!!! How can I not love this face!? He’s gorgeous. This little photo was captured during a large family nature photo session in Bristol.
How could this photo not feature in my top 10?? Look at that face!!
This gorgeous little boy was so excited to see his mummy.
This little face just screams happiness, excitement and joy and his eyes even sparkle. I had to feature this photo simple down to his gorgeous expression.
This lovely photo was taken during a large family session where I captured a number of natural individual portraits of the five grandchildren and a selection of images featuring the whole family. You should see the photos once this one got his hands on the ice cream!
Another gorgeous face! His cheeky happy face just could'n’t help but stick his tongue out at me during this family nature photo session in Bristol.
And finally I love a photo that captures personality
And this photo does just that. This photo was captured at the end of the session and this little boy was teasing me and not wanting to be captured on camera.
So, as we walked, talked and I challenged him to a running race back to his mum and then back to me, I got the camera ready and snapped this little photo. It captures just how relaxed he was. It captures his cheekiness. It captures his true character.
This is the beauty of being outside and having the freedom to let your children run and be free. I capture natural moments of them being themselves and enjoying the moment.
And that’s it! 10 of my most favourite photos of 2019.
Thank you so much for your continuing support and thank you to all the families I have worked with throughout 2019. I have loved every minute and I am so excited to meet many more families in 2020.
I wish you all a very happy and prosperous new year!
If you would like to hear more from me including family wellbeing tips, nature photos and information regarding nature family events please subscribe to my newsletter below.
If you’d like to work with me in 2020 you can get in touch here.