Our busy lifestyle
In the busy lives that we all lead there is little time to stop and think. As a mum of four I race around looking after the family, doing the food shop and attempting to keep on top of the house whilst ferrying the children to school, to parties and to all the other activities that they take part in throughout the week. I know…I know… this is all part of being a parent and I do love it but I do crave some down time with the family where there are no expectations or commitments.
In today’s every day lifestyle this all seems to be part of being a parent right? We barely get time to stop and relax together as a family and this is something I am on a mission to bring back this year - time to do nothing. Time to be at home. Time to be ourselves. Time to do what we love. Quality family time.
My mission; capturing the every day beauty
I am also on a mission to document this time. To capture the little moments of family time, the every day moments, the good, the bad, the joy, the sorrow. Memories of childhood. Memories of a family.
As a family we are at our happiest when we are all together. When we have no commitments and can just go exploring. Our boys love to be outside, to climb, to run and to use their imagination. Our happiest moments are when we are out and about in the great outdoors. These moments are the memories that build character and build a solid foundation of who you are as a person and what being part of a family stands for.
The greatest gift is childhood photos
To capture these memories on camera is one of the greatest gifts you can give your children as they grow up. I know how much my children love to look at photos of their childhood and the joy on their faces when they recall a moment gone by is priceless. Family time and family photos help build a sense of security and belonging. The reminiscing over a photo, a family member and the thoughts and feelings surrounding that memory creates a connection and reinforces the family bond.
In our house we now have a photo wall with all the adventures from the past year. It brings daily joy to each one of us. Just the glimpse of a cheeky smile as I walk past in the morning is all i need to remind me just why I do it all. By viewing these photos each morning I am transported back to a happy place (whilst attempting to get the kids out of the door for school on time). I remember the laughter and happiness from our trip to the beach, the feelings of excitement as we went on a bear hunt in the woods and recall the feeling of contentment and pride as I baked with my six year old. These feelings and memories are priceless to me.
So, if you’d like to join me on my mission and dedicate this year to quality family time and making memories then make the decision to invest in quality family photography and print your family photos. I promise you, you won’t regret it.
To book a family photography session get in touch via the contact form below.

““You just have to live and life will give you pictures” ”